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Translated Landscape

HD video (7:00) , 2021

石橋 友也  新倉 健人
    Tomoya Ishibashi Kento Niikura  


自動運転などに使われている物体検出(object detection)技術を用いて、渋谷の街並みを文字の風景へと変換した。






Through object detection technology used in autonomous driving and more, the streets of Shibuya were converted into a landscape of letters.
The names of the identified objects were converted into Japanese characters with kanji as the focus. The size of the characters reflects that of the detected object.


The types of identifiable objects and their accuracy depend on the training data. Since the data set used for training was prepared for autonomous driving, many misinterpretations may also be included, such as recognizing a wall as a refrigerator or a statue of Hachiko as a teddy bear or a horse, while humans and vehicles are detected with high accuracy.

The scenes created in this way are the world as it appears to current AIs, a representation of the millisecond-based cognitive processes occurring in our minds, and a reenactment of a long history from shape to image to letter which gave birth to hieroglyphs such as Chinese characters (you can see the kanji for "human" walking in the video).

This work was inspired by experimental poetry such as visual poetry and concrete poetry which focus on the materiality and concreteness of letters, as well as research on language expression in the VR and XR fields. Through the machine's fast and uncertain perception of the world, the cyclical relationship between the world and language is presented.


コトバノキカイ/Machine of Words, Tokyo Arts and Space hongo (6/1/2021-6/20/2021)
Photo: Ken Kato Photo courtesy: Tokyo Arts and Space



©2021 Tomoya Ishibashi

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